Book Cover Art

Old-School Paperbacks Have the Best Cover Art


I’m not sure if this is a popular opinion or not, but to me it seems obvious that old-school paperbacks have the best cover art. And the best design. I could probably write a 10,000-word piece to back up this claim, but I’d rather just show pictures of some of my favorite paperback book covers. And let them make the case for me.

After you’re done ogling these beautiful old-school covers, compare them to The New York Times list: Best Book Covers of 2020. Some recent book covers admittedly are pretty fantastic. But in general, the paperback covers from decades past—preferably slightly grimy and creased on the edges—are far superior, at least in my view.

I will also note that book design is generally an underrated art form. If you haven’t seen it already, I’d recommend checking out Chip Kidd’s 2012 Ted Talk, The Hilarious Art of Book Design. If you like books and have strong feelings about their covers, it’s worth watching.

And now, please enjoy these amazing old-school book covers, taken off my bookshelf and photographed just today, presented here in no particular order.

tom wolfe mauve gloves.png
A Confederacy of Dunces.png
Satori in Paris - Jack Kerouac.png
Louisiana Red - Ishmael Reed.png
Mumbo Jump - Ishmael Reed.png
Oblivion Seekers.png
Italo Calvino.png
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.png
Basketball Diaries.png
Little Birds.png
F Scott Fitzgerald.png
Sirens of Titan.png
In Watermelon Sugar.png
Rommel Drives on Deep Into Egypt.png
A Confederate General from Big Sur.png
Maltese Falcon.png
The Magic Christian.png
City Life.png
The Ex-Magician.png
Mystic Masseur.png
Beastly Beatitudes - Donleavy.png

Peter Clarke is the editor-in-chief of Jokes Review. He’s the author of the comic novels Politicians Are Superheroes and The Singularity Survival Guide. Follow him on Twitter @HeyPeterClarke.