Little Libraries of San Francisco's Mission District

Mural by Ursula X Young

Jokes Review publishes writers from all over the world, but we’re ultimately very much a product of Northern California. We were founded in Oakland, two of our editors live in Sacramento, and we regularly participate in literary events around the northern half of the Golden State. But for the past few years, we’ve been based out of the Mission District in San Francisco.

The Mission is a thriving literary community, known for its trendy bookstores, Dave Eggers’ nonprofit 826 Valencia, and Litquake. It’s also home to many little free libraries. If you’re ever in San Francisco looking for something to do, we recommend taking a walking tour of the little libraries. You might even find a copy of Jokes Review in one of them.

Here’s a look at some of our favorite little libraries in The Mission and the nearby Noe Valley neighborhood.

Walking down 24th Street…

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Find this colorful little library tucked away down Treat Street…

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Then take a left on Alabama Street and walk up to 22nd to find…

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If you turn west and walk down 22nd, you’ll run into Dolores Park…

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Then walk down Guerrero Street to find this blue library, almost always full…

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Now walk west and you’ll head into a quiet neighborhood called Noe Valley…

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Where you’ll also find several little libraries on tree-lined streets…

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