Endless Possibilities

by Ginger Strivelli


            As you sit laughing at those silly videos on your laptop there now, in another dimension, right beside you in time and space is a Neanderthal family happily eating a wooly mammoth leg beside a roaring bonfire. Then, on your other side, but in another dimension, is yet another you practicing the violin song you were ordered by the Nazi leaders to play for Hitler's granddaughter, the new Queen of Earth, upon her coronation tomorrow, because there are always Nazis somewhere.

            Then there are trillions of other timelines, but still in your same dimension. In one of the trillion similar Neanderthals are sitting in a car at a drive-through ordering fast food because they were the race who evolved to rule the planet Earth in that timeline and they did it pretty much exactly the same way you Homo sapiens did in this timeline of yours. Also, there is a timeline, in your space, in your dimension where the Earth is fast asleep deep in a nuclear winter and only eighty-four humans are alive, hiding in doomsday shelters far underground. There is one where everyone is asleep waiting on some Prince Charming to kiss some Princess awake to break the sleep sickness curse. You don’t believe me? I’m serious. Sure, fairy tales got to happen somewhere, right?

            Then there are other places in space but still in your dimension and in your timeline, where tiny fairies are riding huge dragons flying around the thousands of islands on a planet that has three moons and two suns. Nonetheless, our galaxy is the brightest light in their sky as it looms overhead nightly making their night brighter than their day, though who’d look at a galaxy and three moons when fairies and dragons are flying about?

            Now, then they even say every choice splits off new alternate realities. If you choose to watch the nightly news tonight then another you in some other timeline or other dimension chooses to watch some stupid reality show instead, that launches a whole new world just because of your poor choice of what to watch on television tonight.

            Between the different dimensions, the different timelines, the different places in space, and all those different realities, everything is happening. Every, single, possible, thing is happening somewhere. Everything.

            Our story takes place right here and now in this particular timeline in this exact dimension at this single place in space and in this one reality. Nonetheless, remember there are always others, even if you can’t see them. Seeing may be believing but you can and should believe in things you can’t see too.

            The story starts out on a boring Tuesday with a boring man having a boring breakfast of unsweetened oatmeal. Basically the sad fool is choosing to be eating gruel. He is sitting stiffly there in his stiffly ironed boring black suit with boring white shirt and boring solid red tie, having this boring breakfast.

            So much boredom, the Universe can’t even...

            So She, who makes choices too, chooses to open up a fun window for this boring little man eating his boring breakfast so he can see some of the exciting other possibilities out there.

            First he sees himself eating devil’s food cake and washing it down with orange soda instead of his black coffee and gruel breakfast. He stiffly shudders at the horrible lack of nutritional value and lack of responsibility it shows on this alternate self’s part. He is ashamed at his lack of prudence, even though it isn’t really him. He is prudently eating boring bland responsible plain oatmeal and drinking one cup of decaf coffee without a drop of cream or a crystal of sugar. Nonetheless, he is ashamed of his folly so he looks away from that timeline.

            The Universe...well, I should say this one Universe because really there are many of those too. However, we are already stretching our imagination to the breaking point so I won’t add those possibilities into my tale today.

            So as I was saying, then our Universe makes another decision of Her own. She shows our tedious tiresome protagonist yet another dimension. There he is a muscled handsome mighty warrior, fighting a huge hairless beast with some weapon that shoots lightning bolts. Our boring guy looks away from that image as well. He just rolls his eyes and looks at his watch, ever worried he might be a minute late reporting to his cubicle at his desk job. She shows him another place in our timeline, in our dimension but several trillion light years away, where a face much like his is on a six-armed man with mustard yellow skin. This abnormal alien him is picking normal apples from a perfectly normal looking apple tree.

            Our Guy being his boring self, shakes off that vision as well and gets up to head off responsibly to work well ahead of schedule, so he will not chance being late. The Universe frustratedly makes another choice for this man’s refusal to look beyond his self-imposed limitations. She chooses to make a big dark mass of clouds form into a swirling tornado over his very sensible modest basic white car as he drives to work. It sucks. No, I mean it literally sucks him right up into the funnel cloud. He is churned around like the butter he would never eat fearing it might raise his cholesterol or heart rate or the level of stupor that his taste buds live in. Then the tornado just deposits him right back down to the ground beside an apple tree because the Universe has a dry sense of humor. He doesn’t get the joke though looking up at those apples as he is taking his last careful breath, with his life unable to pass in front of his eyes as he was always too careful to have really lived one.

            He’s dead. The end. Well...not really because our Universe talked Herself out of that choice in a different reality and he continued on to work, living boringly ever after.



Ginger Strivelli is an artist and writer from North Carolina, where she raised her six children, three of whom are autistic. She has written for Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Third Flatiron, Autism Parenting Magazine, and various other publications for thirty years. @GingerStrivelli at Twitter.